
LibTLP is a userspace library that implements the PCIe transaction layer. The current implementation works on top of Linux UDP sockets. Your software PCIe devices can interact with hardware root complexes, CPU, memory, other peripherals through a well-abstracted DMA API provided by LibTLP and a NetTLP adapter.

The source code is here:

Compile and Install

Please see getting started to compile LibTLP. Actually, git clone and make.

libtlp/include/ contains two header files: tlp.h for structures describing PCIe Transaction Layer Packets. libtlp.h is the header file for libtlp. After compiling LibTLP, libtlp.a exists on libtlp/lib directory. Please use libltp.h and libtlp.a for your uses. sudo make install installs them into /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib.


The DMA API of LibTLP is shown below:

ssize_t dma_read(struct nettlp *nt, uintptr_t addr, void *buf, size_t count);
ssize_t dma_write(struct nettlp *nt, uintptr_t addr, void *buf, size_t count);

The DMA API of LibTLP is inspired from read(2) and write(2) system calls. As with these system calls, dma_read() attempts to read up to count bytes into buf and dma_write() writes up to count bytes from buf. addr indicates a target address of DMA transaction. The return values of the functions are the number of bytes read or written, or -1 and errno is set on error as with the system calls.

dma_read() and dma_write() do not care MaxReadRequestSize (MRRS) and MaxPayloadSize (MPS). Instead, dma_read_aligned() and dma_write_aligned() align a request into small-sized requests.

ssize_t dma_read_aligned(struct nettlp *nt, uintptr_t addr, void *buf,
                         size_t count, size_t mrrs);
ssize_t dma_write_aligned(struct nettlp *nt, uintptr_t addr, void *buf,
                          size_t count, size_t mps);


libtlp/apps directory contains example applications of LibTLP, especially, example.c is a very simple example to learn how to use LibTLP.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <libtlp.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	int ret;
	char buf[128];
	uintptr_t addr = 0x0;
	struct nettlp nt;

	inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &nt.remote_addr);
	inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &nt.local_addr);
	nt.requester = (0x1a << 8 | 0x00);
	nt.tag = 0;


	ret = dma_read(&nt, addr, buf, sizeof(buf));
	if (ret < 0) {
		return ret;

	printf("DMA read: %d bytes from 0x%lx\n", ret, addr);
	return 0;
$ ./example
DMA read: 128 bytes from 0x0

Note that a driver for the NetTLP adapter must be loaded before issuing DMA, and requester ID must matches PCIe bus number where the NetTLP adapter is installed.

Callback API

The DMA API enables sending requests to the adapter host. On the other hand, receiving TLPs sent from the adapter host, LibTLP provides a callback API.

struct nettlp_cb {
        int (*mrd)(struct nettlp *nt, struct tlp_mr_hdr *mh, void *arg);
        int (*mwr)(struct nettlp *nt, struct tlp_mr_hdr *mh,
                   void *m, size_t count, void *arg);
        int (*cpl)(struct nettlp *nt, struct tlp_cpl_hdr *ch, void *arg);
        int (*cpld)(struct nettlp *nt, struct tlp_cpl_hdr *ch,
                    void *m, size_t count, void *arg);
        int (*other)(struct nettlp *nt, struct tlp_hdr *tlp, void *arg);

int nettlp_run_cb(struct nettlp **nt, int nnts,
                  struct nettlp_cb *cb, void *arg);
void nettlp_stop_cb(void);

Registered functions are invoked when receiving TLPs. libtlp/apps/psmem and simple-nic are examples that use the callback API.